We work on finding the best options for patients with keratoconus. With the appropriate correction those affected by keratoconus can maximise their visual capability. Keratoconus is a condition of the cornea that results in astigmatism, blurry vision and sometimes double vision, eyestrain and glare sensitivity. Keratoconus causes irregularity in the cornea, leading to a cone shape and a progressive thinning of the structure. Individuals with a close relative suffering from keratoconus are at a significantly higher risk of developing the condition.
Affecting 1 in 2000 individuals, some studies even suggest that the prevalence to be much higher, estimating that it effects of 1 in 400 people, the condition often starts in the teenage and puberty years and progresses until one’s late 20’s, when it tends to stabilise. The most common treatments include spectacles, hard contact lenses, cross linking, and in more severe cases, corneal transplant. Often in early cases, treatment is achieved adequately with glasses and soft contact lenses. As the condition progresses, sometimes hard contact lenses and larger scleral lenses may dramatically improve vision. A series of tests are undertaken at Tracton Optometrists to determine the best type of contact lens, typically with corneal mapping technology (corneal topography).